As an Old Bromsgrovian you have access to a powerful and vast network of over 10,000 Alumni, including former parents, staff and friends of the School. The Alumni team is here to support former pupils throughout all stages of their life, whether it's contacts for university, internships, work experience or careers advice and networking opportunities.
There is a wide range of alumni groups which Old Bromsgrovians can also get involved in (scroll down the page to view more information on these groups). We always welcome suggestions for other groups you might wish to start up. Every Commemoration Day, there’s an Old Bromsgrovians’ marquee on Lower Charford and a display of the School archives and memorabilia in the Old Chapel. The opportunities are endless and we want you to embrace them as you commence the next chapter of your life.
Now that you know some of the things that we can do for you, what can you do for us? Please follow us on our Facebook page at and on Twitter
@BromsSchool and
@Oldbromsgrovian. Please support us at events both in the UK and overseas; if you’d be willing to help organise events or have suggestions for speakers or venues, please let us know. Whilst you’re at university, you might wish to show current students around and once you’re established in your chosen career, come back to School and give a masterclass or presentation, help out at interview evenings or just be willing to give advice to those interested in a particular job sector.
Be proud that you are an Old Bromsgrovian and wear your OB tie or lapel pin with pride.
To learn more about Old Bromsgrovians, please follow the highlighted link. This will take you to Bromsgrovians Connected, which is a web-based database for OBs, staff and past parents, enabling members to keep in contact with other alumni and the School after leaving. Access is by user name and password and the site gives users the ability to search for their contemporaries or staff members they have lost touch with, catch up on the latest School developments or even post news of their own.
Bromsgrovian Alumni Office Contacts:
Jess Lomas (nee Williams, Hz 92-00)
Events & Alumni Assistant
Internal Events
Megan Griffiths
Alumni Communications & Social Media Manager
Editor of The Bromsgrovian; Editor of the Alumni Magazine
Nikki Thorpe
Connecting with us through Social Media
We utilise a number of social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to enable Old Bromsgrovians, Parents and Friends of the School to network online and connect with their contemporaries, as well as keep us up to date about what they are doing now.

News, Obituaries and Announcements
Please send your news, announcements and obituaries to the Editor of the Alumni Magazine, Megan Griffiths. You can contact Megan by email: or by writing to her at the School address:
Bromsgrovian Office
Bromsgrove School
Worcester Road
B61 7DU
General OB enquiries can be directed to:
OB Reunions & Events
You can find out when the next official OB decade reunion is taking place at School by visiting our Events Diary
Unsure about attending a Reunion for your year group? Here are a few testimonials...
I nearly didn’t bother to make the re-union! Other things to do on a Saturday – golf, looking after grandchildren, gardening etc. However, I did bother and thank goodness.
I met up with a surprising number of friends from yesteryear who I had quite honestly forgotten about. The time span disappeared very rapidly and we were soon having a good laugh about our experiences so many years ago but also trading our current family and business scenarios. It was not only enjoyable but interesting.
The guided tour around the Schools facilities was staggering – the facilities are now quite incredible. If you haven’t been back for a long time, you’ll be staggered. Every aspect of the School life has quality. The sporting facilities are superb, as are the classrooms. The real eye-opener was the dining room and the catering – a good restaurant standard! The current Bromsgrove pupils are extremely privileged – I hope they appreciate it! (1970s Leaver)
Alumni Groups
OBEC: If you enjoy outdoor sports such as camping, climbing, walking, sailing, canoeing and mountain biking, and locations such as Kilimanjaro, Ben Nevis or the Lakes appeal, then the Old Bromsgrovian Expedition Club (OBEC) could well be for you. OBEC Facebook Group
From a leisurely walk (usually finishing at a welcoming pub!) to a more rigorous trip up the mountains – there really is something for everyone’s taste. One of the highlights of the year is the Annual Dinner in North Wales that combines a series of different activities (all voluntary, of course) with an opportunity to catch up with friends over a long weekend. For more information about OBEC please contact Mike Woodall via
Old Bromsgrovian Rugby: Would you like to form an Old Bromsgrovian Rugby Group? If you are interested, please contact Director of Rugby, Tony Windo at and the Bromsgrovian Office at
Old Bromsgrovian Music Group: Music is as much an integral part of life for some Old Bromsgrovians when they leave, as it is when they are at School. If you are interested in starting an OB Music Group, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact James McKelvey at and the Bromsgrovian Office at
Old Bromsgrovian Tennis: Just recently the OB team met at Bromsgrove to play in a Public School Tennis Association match. If you’d like to get involved, please contact Paul Siviter via
Old Bromsgrovian Netball: The well-established Netball Club goes from strength to strength since it was started over ten years ago. It provides a fantastic opportunity for Bromsgrovians to carry on their love of the sport and at the same time compete regularly in the local leagues and cup competitions. OB Netball Facebook Group
Based at School for home fixtures, the Netball Club is now recognised as a genuine force in local netball and yet it allows players of all abilities to fully participate and develop their talents further. The regular fixture against the School is always popular and it is not unusual for several OB teams to take to the court on that evening. To discover more about the netball team please contact Becky Alton via
Old Bromsgrovian Golf Society: Spanning the full age range of Bromsgrovians from 18 – 80, the Golf Society enjoys visiting several Midlands based golf clubs during the summer months, often seen competing in the Grafton Morrish trophy in – the most prestigious of school alumni golf competitions. Players of all standards are welcome and every effort is made to make the golf affordable for younger Bromsgrovians. There is also a regular fixture against the School – usually at Blackwell Golf Club, which has always enjoyed a close relationship with Bromsgrovians. For more information please contact Anthony Webb via
School Anecdotes
We have received a number of anecdotes and stories from OBs who have asked us to publish these for others to read. You can find these