Bromsgrove School Calendar

Bromsgrove School Calendar

Date School Category
Saturday, March 1 2025pYear 6 Parent Consultations. NO ACTIVITIES
pExtra-CurricularYear 7&8 Marmite Society (More Able) Seminar, Webber, 1.15pm
sSportXC National Finals, Grammar School @ Leeds
Sunday, March 2 2025sSchool InfoChapel Readings: Thomas Cookes
sExtra-CurricularNehru Cup Debating Competition [Harrow School; 06:00-21:30hrs]
Monday, March 3 2025ppSchool InfoPre-Prep - Parent Readers in School all week for end of day stories.
pStaff Only EventStaff meeting
sExtra-CurricularVIth Form Marmite Society (More Able) Seminar - OCT/UPP/UCAS Support, Webber, 1.15pm
sAcademic EventProgramme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Study (selected U4/V)
sSchool TripOrganists to visit Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham, 1.00pm-5.00pm
sParents PSHE (RSE Relationship & Sex Ed) Routh Concert Hall, 7.00pm
sStaff Only EventSenior School HoDs meeting, Cookes Room, 1.20pm
sAcademic EventGCSE Drama: Tech Rehearsals begin for a week
sSchool InfoUVI PSHE (RSE Relationship & Sex Ed), Routh Concert Hall, 4.00pm
Tuesday, March 4 2025sSchool TripGeography Field Trip to Slapton departs
sAcademic EventGCSE Drama: Tech Rehearsals
pMusic/Concert/PlayYear 3 Scheme Concert
pAcademic EventStudy Skills
pAcademic EventYear 7 Itlay trip meeting
Wednesday, March 5 2025ppSchool InfoPre-Prep Parents' Association Meeting in Pre-Prep Dining Hall
ppSchool InfoPre-Prep Small Talk
sHouse EventHazeldene Bake Sale [Humanities Corridor; Break and Lunchtime]
sStaff Only EventStaff Event: Pottery [ADT; 16:00-18:00hrs]
sSchool TripMusic Trip (Pianists), Oxford, 7.30pm
sAcademic EventGCSE Drama: Tech Rehearsals
Thursday, March 6 2025sAcademic EventIB2 Assessment: G2 (Orals)
sAcademic EventGCSE Drama: Tech Rehearsals
pExtra-CurricularYear 7&8 Marmite Society (More Able) Seminar, Webber, 1.15pm
sStaff Only EventStaff INSET: Preparation for INSET: SharePoint [Dining Hall; 16:00hrs]
sExtra-CurricularPeer Mentors Tuck Shop for 'Girls Not Brides' charity [Humanities; Break and Lunch]
ppSchool InfoPre-Prep World Book Day - children can wear themed clothes.
ppSchool InfoPre-Prep - Visit from Sharon Hopwood, Author
pMusic/Concert/PlayPrep Music Series 2nd Concert (rehearsal period 6; concert starts at 4.45pm]
Friday, March 7 2025pAcademic EventRubix Trip to Pre-prep
ppSchool InfoPre-Prep Years 1 & 2 Rubik's Cube Challenge
sSchool TripCCF Range Day [Kingsbury Ranges; all day]
sAcademic EventPolitics Society Lecture by Brooks Newmark [LRC; 16:00-17:30hrs]
sSchool TripGeography Field Trip Slapton returns
sAcademic EventGCSE Drama: Tech Rehearsals
sMusic/Concert/PlayLunchtime Concert
sHouse EventSenior House Volleyball
sAcademic EventU6 A level Drama Practical Exam [Cobham Theatre; tbc]
Saturday, March 8 2025sMusic/Concert/PlaySchools' Mock Trial, St Johns College, Cardiff, 7.00am - 6.00pm
sHouse EventSchool House Ball, Grafton Manor, 7.00pm -11.00pm
pAcademic EventYr 8 GCSE Choices Morning
sAcademic EventGCSE Drama: Tech Rehearsals
sExtra-CurricularFlourishing Fiver Bingo Night [Hospitality Suite; 18:00-21:00hrs]
Sunday, March 9 2025sSchool InfoChapel Readings: Lyttelton
sAcademic EventGCSE Drama: Tech Rehearsals
sParents' Meeting: Be curious not judgmental: teens and drugs, what to know, when to worry and what to say' with Prof Adam Winstock [LRC; 18:30-19:30hrs]
Monday, March 10 2025sSchool InfoSenior School Leavers' Photographs
pAcademic EventYear 6 Visitor History
Tuesday, March 11 2025sSchool TripPhysics Masterclass with Rutherford Appleton Laboratories: Particle Physics [Physics Department; all day]
sStaff Only EventStaff INSET: Preparation for INSET: SharePoint [Dining Hall; 16:00hrs]
pSchool InfoBook Fair
sMusic/Concert/PlayChapel Choir sings Evensong at Worcester Cathedral, 5.30pm
sAcademic EventGCSE Drama Practical Exams [Cobham Theatre; 09:00-13:30hrs]
sStaff Only EventSenior School Staff Inset [Senior Dining Hall; 16:00hrs]
Wednesday, March 12 2025sMusic/Concert/PlaySenior School Evensong, 4.00pm
sMeet the Music Teachers, School Cloud, 4.30pm - 8.30pm
pSchool InfoBook Fair
sAcademic EventALP Exam Grades published
ppSchool InfoPre-Prep Small Talk
pSchool InfoPA Committee meeting
Thursday, March 13 2025pExtra-CurricularEco committee meeting
pAcademic EventPupils Voice
pMusic/Concert/PlayPrep Music Series 2nd Concert
pExtra-CurricularYear 7&8 Marmite Society (More Able) Seminar, Webber, 1.15pm
pMusic/Concert/PlayPrep Music Series Concert
sSchool TripBS Chadsgrove visit [all day]
Friday, March 14 2025sMusic/Concert/PlayDrama GCSE & A Level Performance, Cobham Theatre, 7.00pm
sHouse EventJunior House Volleyball
sHouse EventSchool House Breakfast [School House Common Room, 8.00am - 8.40am
sSchool TripFrench Theatre visit for the IV Form [p5 onwards; Routh Concert Hall]
sHouse EventLupton Social Night, Hospitality Suite, 6.00pm
sSchool TripFootball Tour departs [d.14:00hrs; Ibstock Place School]
ppSchool InfoPre-Prep Year 2 Wear It Wild Day- children to wear African animal themed clothes.
pppsStaff Only EventGovernors' In School Day [08:30-17:00hrs]
Saturday, March 15 2025ssSchool InfoGovernors' Strategy Day [Cookes Room; 08:30-14:00hrs]
sExtra-CurricularOxford Union Debating Finals [Oxford; 18:15-23:00hrs]
sSchool TripFootball Tour returns [r.19:00hrs; Ibstock Place School]
sExtra-CurricularYoung Enterprise Spring Trade Fair, Worcester
pStaff Only EventStaff Meeting
sHouse EventWalters House Spring Ball
Sunday, March 16 2025sSchool TripBoarders' Trip: Badminton at the NIA [NIA; 10:00-17:00hrs]
sSchool InfoChapel Readings: Oakley
Monday, March 17 2025ppSchool InfoPre-Prep In Person Parents' Evening for Reception, Years 1 & 2
sAcademic EventIB2 Assessments: Russian B (Orals)
sSchool InfoTutor meeting
sMusic/Concert/PlaySenior House Drama: Tech rehearsals begin for 8 days
sSchool TripPublic Schools' Fencing Championships, London
sExtra-CurricularDebating v Cadbury VI Form College [Housman Room; 16:00-17:30hrs]
Tuesday, March 18 2025sSchool InfoGovernors' Meetings [HM Dining Hall; 11:30-17:00hrs]
sSchool InfoLIV Vaccinations [Hospitality Suite]
sStaff Only EventSenior School Common Room meeting
sMusic/Concert/PlayIV Form House Drama: Tech rehearsals
ppSchool InfoPre-Prep Maths Extravaganza Recording - Reception, Years 1 & 2
pAcademic EventYears 3 - 6 Eisteddfod Music/English rehearsals
Wednesday, March 19 2025pAcademic EventYears 7 & 8 Eisteddfod Music/English rehearsals
sAcademic EventAE grades published
ppSchool InfoPre-Prep Small Talk
ppAcademic EventAE grades published
sMusic/Concert/PlayIV Form House Drama: Tech rehearsals
Thursday, March 20 2025pMusic/Concert/PlayYears 3 & 4 Eisteddfod
pMusic/Concert/PlayYears 5 & 6 Eisteddfod
pMusic/Concert/PlayYears 7 & 8 Eisteddfod
sUIV and V Tutor Parent consultations
sMusic/Concert/PlayIV Form House Drama: Tech rehearsals
sSchool TripPublic Schools' Fencing Championships, London (returns)
pSchool InfoInternational Day of Happiness
Friday, March 21 2025ppSchool InfoPre-Prep Comic Relief/Red Nose Day
sMusic/Concert/PlayCharity Concert (Alzheimer's Society) [Routh Concert Hall; 19:00-21:00hrs]
psExtra-CurricularTrinity Music Exams [Worcester; 15:00-17:45hrs]
sAcademic EventTutor2U Business Revision Workshop [08:45-16:30hrs; Star City]
sSchool TripU6 Geography trip [Birmingham]
sMusic/Concert/PlayLunchtime Concert @ Penrhyn Hall
sMusic/Concert/PlayIV Form House Drama: Tech rehearsals
sSchool TripMUN: Haileybury Conference, departs
Saturday, March 22 2025sHouse EventSenior and Junior House Netball
sHouse EventThomas Cookes' Ball [Grafton Manor; 19:00-23:30hrs]
sMusic/Concert/PlayIV Form House Drama: Tech rehearsals
sAcademic EventScholarship Pathway Assessments for Years 6 and 7 (Academic)
Sunday, March 23 2025pSchool InfoSports Team photos
sSchool InfoChapel Readings: Ottilie Hild
sMusic/Concert/PlayIV Form House Drama: Tech rehearsals
sSchool TripMUN: Haileybury Conference, returns
sSchool TripBoarders' Trip: Bicester Village [all day]
Monday, March 24 2025sAcademic EventIB2 Assessment: Russian Ab Initio (Orals)
sHouse EventSenior House Debating Final, Routh
sAcademic EventV & UVI Revision Week 1
ppSchool InfoPre-Prep Online Parents' Evening via SchoolCloud for Reception, Years 1 & 2
sSportRosslyn Park National 7's U14 Tournament [d. 18:00hrs; London]
sAcademic EventIB Art Final Exhibition [Old Chapel]
sAcademic EventIGCSE Chinese Language Oral Exams
sMusic/Concert/PlayPop & Jazz Sound Check [17:15-19:15hrs]
Tuesday, March 25 2025sAcademic EventIB Art Final Exhibition [Old Chapel]
pSchool TripYear 5 trip - Commandery
sSportRosslyn Park National 7's U14 Tournament [r. 20:00hrs; London]
sSportRosslyn Park National 7's U16 Tournament [d. 18:00hrs; London]
sSportISFA Shield final vs St Paul's School [Burnham FC; Kick-Off 14:00hrs]
ppSchool InfoPre-Prep Year 1 'Natural History Museum' - open to all Year 1 parents
sAcademic EventV & UVI Revision Week 1
sMusic/Concert/PlaySenior House Drama: Full Tech rehearsal
sLVI Teacher Parent consultations
Wednesday, March 26 2025sUVI Parents' Information evening
sSchool TripGerman/Classics/Drama Theatre Trip to 'King Oedipus' at the Old Vic [London]
sAcademic EventV & UVI Revision Week 1
sSchool TripConcert Trip for GCSE Musicians in IV/V Form, Symphony Hall, 1.15pm - 5.15pm
ppSchool InfoPre-Prep Small Talk
sSchool InfoCAS Project: Bake it 'til You make it! [Humanities; break and lunch]
sSportRosslyn Park National 7's U16 Tournament [r. 20:00hrs; London]
sSportRosslyn Park National 7's U18 Tournament [d. 18:00hrs; London]
sAcademic EventIB Art Final Exhibition [Old Chapel]
pAcademic EventYear 7 trip to RSC, Stratford (limited number)
sSchool TripEconomics Olympiad British Finals [Rochester Grammar School; d 14:15hrs]
Thursday, March 27 2025sSchool TripEconomics Olympiad British Finals [Rochester Grammar School; r 21:30hrs]
sSchool InfoCAS Project: Bake it 'til You make it! [Dining Hall; lunch]
sStaff Only EventSenior School Common Room Forum [LRC; 13:20hrs]
sAcademic EventIB Art Final Exhibition [Old Chapel]
pExtra-CurricularEco activity
pppsMusic/Concert/PlayABRSM Music Exams
sSportRosslyn Park National 7's U18 Tournament [r. 20:00hrs; London]
sAcademic EventV & UVI Revision Week 1
sMusic/Concert/PlaySenior House Drama: Dress rehearsal
sMusic/Concert/PlaySenior House Drama: Competition
Friday, March 28 2025sAcademic EventV & UVI Revision Week 1
sExtra-CurricularLIV Form to UVI Form Marmite Movie and Pizza Night, Webber, 5.15pm
pAcademic EventYears 5/7 Art Exhibition
pppsMusic/Concert/PlayABRSM Music Exams
pAcademic EventYears 5/7 Art Exhibition
sAcademic EventIB Art Final Exhibition [Old Chapel]
sExtra-CurricularFlourishing Fiver Photobooth [ADT Department; lunchtime]
sHouse EventOttilie Hild House Leavers' Meal [Queen's Head; 18:30-21:30hrs]
Saturday, March 29 2025psAcademic EventScholarship Pathway Assessments for Years 8, 9 and 10 (Academic)
pAcademic EventYears 5/7 Art Exhibition
sAcademic EventSixth Form Scholarship Assessments (Academic)
pYear 3/4 Parent Consultations
sSchool TripCinema (Rubery)
Sunday, March 30 2025sSchool ServiceMothering Sunday Service
sSchool InfoChapel Readings: Walters
sExtra-CurricularMountain Biking Race Fixture 3 [all day]
Title and navigation
Title and navigation
March 2013
March 2013




Events Found: 181 | NB: Mouse over highlighted days to view the event information


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Bromsgrove School, Worcester Road,
Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B61 7DU.


01527 579679

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