Year 3's Penguin Egg
Posted: 29/03/2017
You may remember that a few weeks ago, Year 3 took delivery of a mysterious package containing a very large egg.
The children have been taking very good care of the egg whilst it has been in their possession, keeping it safe and well insulated. Each class has taken turns to monitor the egg and some of the children even saw it wobble a little. They have carried out a great deal of research into Penguins and their needs, and have presented their findings by making e-books.
Upon realising that they were not properly equipped to take care of a penguin chick should the egg hatch, two weeks ago they wrote letters to the RSPB to seek some professional advice on what they should do with the egg next.
As luck would have it, Mr Woollhead has a brother who works for the RSPB. This morning he came to the Prep School to visit Year 3 and inspect the egg. He confirmed that it did indeed look very much like the egg of an Emperor Penguin, and that several indicators pointed towards there being a live chick inside.
The children helped to wrap the egg very securely for transit so that it could be taken for specialist care. He promised to send the children a webcam link so that they could see the chick once it has hatched on their return to School after the Easter holidays.