Trip to Worcester College, Oxford
Posted: 10/06/2016
Lower Sixth English IB and A level students enjoyed a performance of Twelfth Night in spectacular settings last night. The promenade performance moved round the gardens of Worcester College in the balmy evening light. With costumes by the RSC and Professor Bate as executive director, this intimate student production showcased the best of Oxford’s talent. A special mention must go to Coco Chanel, a small fluffy dog, who interpreted the role of Fabian (a courtier) with panache.
The production was very funny but also moving. It captured the tortured hilarity of the cross-dressing and mistaken identity which is central to Twelfth Night’s comedy, but it also conveyed the heart-break of Malvolio and Antonio which ends the play. What makes the play so powerful is this blend of easy resolutions for the privileged characters undercut by casual cruelties and promises forgotten that affect those on the side-lines.
It was a night to remember.
With thanks to Old Bromsgrovian and Foundation Trustee Matthew Taylor for his generosity which allowed our English IB and A level students to attend this performance.