Group 4: The Experimental Sciences
The impact of science on modern society is immense and dominates much of what will define this century, not only through the technological advancements it makes but also within the issues that surround that progression: climate change, fracking, nuclear fusion and stem cells to name but few. A valid opinion on any one requires some knowledge of science.
Through group 4 subjects students explore the concepts, theories, models and techniques that underpin each subject area and develop their understanding of the scientific method. In addition, a compulsory group 4 project encourages students to appreciate the environmental, social and ethical implications of science. This exercise is collaborative and interdisciplinary; it provides an opportunity for students to explore scientific solutions to global questions.
Group 4 subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Computer Science, *Environmental Systems
*Environmental Systems and Societies may be considered as a Group 3 or Group 4 subject
To find out more about the recent Group 4 project and their presentation evening, please click here.